Fall Home Maintenance

While fall is a time to enjoy cooler temperatures, pumpkin-flavored drinks, and changing scenery, it’s also a great time to prepare for the changing of the seasons. Before you know it, chilly fall nights will turn to freezing temperatures, so this week, we’re giving you a home maintenance checklist to consult heading into the fall. 

Check the Roof

Cleaning your gutters is one of the keys to preventing debris buildup and water damage, as clear gutters help redirect water from the roof. According to experts, gutter cleaning should happen a minimum of twice a year, ideally in the spring and fall (after the leaves fall.) The gutters should also be inspected up to 4 times a year. It’s also important to search for any debris on the roof and trim overhanging branches. Cleaning your gutters helps to prevent extensive water damage, mold, roof rot, and accelerated leaks. 

Ensure Warmth

Staying warm during the colder seasons doesn’t have to equate to sky-high heating costs. With some preparation, you and your budget can stay comfortable all year long. A programmable thermostat makes heating a home more efficient by setting a schedule that keeps a home comfortable when it needs to be. Checking the furnace, sealing gaps and leaks, and ensuring you have good insulation will also guarantee that your home stays warm as temperatures drop. Schedule an HVAC checkup today to get ahead of any issues!

Fix the Cracks

Patching and sealing the driveway may seem like a tedious and even unnecessary step in a fall maintenance checklist. Still, when the ice gets into cracks in the driveway and other paved areas, it will freeze, expand, and make cracks even bigger. This can lead to concrete crumbling and costly damage repairs, so save yourself the headache and pick up some concrete sealant today!

Fertilize Your Yard

It’s a little-known fact that fertilizing your lawn and plants going into fall and winter is very important! Many plant roots store food during the winter, which will give your grass a growth spurt come spring!


Want more tips on preparing your home for fall? Contact us today!

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